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JDHuntr In-House Counsel Jobs
Searching for the ideal in-house job? We can help.

We feature current in-house counsel jobs direct from corporate employers across the U.S. Browse in-house jobs at all levels of experience from Executive Vice President, General Counsel to Counsel.

Only legitimate in-house counsel jobs are featured on JDHuntr.  We do not accept job posts from 3rd party legal recruiters and we do not list job feeds from other job boards.
Why subscribe to JDHuntr? You can browse and apply directly to in-house counsel jobs, search by job category or location, bookmark jobs, organize your job search, post a resume (optional) and sign-up for job alerts. In-House Counsel Jobs are posted daily.
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Go In House with JDHuntr In House Jobs in California, DC, Florida, New York, Los Angeles and other U.S. cities.

Browse in-house counsel jobs and general counsel jobs directly from corporate employers across the U.S. Attorneys can search in-house counsel jobs and apply to corporate employers in most major cities. Browse in-house jobs at all levels of experience, in one convenient location. To start your search and apply to in-house jobs, click Apply Today. Employers can post in-house counsel jobs-Free and view attorney resumes. Employers if you need assistance recruiting in-house counsel, please Contact Us. Good Luck and Good Hunting JDHuntr In House Jobs